Materials Science and Engineering Division

Location(s) Standard / Organization Certificate / Registered Number (where applicable) Accrediting / Registration Body
Akron, USA (Market Street)  ISO 17025 363.01 and 363.02 A2LA
Akron, USA (Market Street - Materials Testing) NADCAP Certificate # 12211210120 Performance Review Institute (PRI)
Brimley, USA ISO 17025 363.08 A2LA
Lansing, USA ISO 17025 363.06 A2LA
Lansing, USA (Distribution Testing) International Safe Transit Association 2170 ISTA
Leatherhead, UK (Distribution Testing) International Safe Transit Association 2063 ISTA
Leatherhead, UK  ISO 17025 0112 UKAS
Leatherhead, UK (Distribution Testing) ADR Packaging and IBC Test Laboratory 00103 NSAI
Leatherhead, UK Water Regulations Approval Scheme WRAS  SM2403 WRAS
Ravenna, USA ISO 17025 363.03 A2LA
Ravenna, USA ISO 17025 363.04 A2LA
Ravenna, USA National Tire Reference Laboratory for Rolling Resistance - NHTSA
Shawbury, UK ISO 17025 0067 UKAS
Shawbury, UK (Calibration) ISO 17025 0306 UKAS
Suzhou, China ISO 17025 363.05 A2LA

Director of Quality (Europe) - Richard Barlow
US Quality Manager - James Littlefield 
China Quality Manager - James Littlefield 

Medical Device Testing Division

Location(s) Standard / Organization Certificate / Registered Number (where applicable) Accrediting / Registration Body
Akron, USA GMP FEI # 3014747009 US FDA
Shawbury, UK GMP FEI # 3011161827 US FDA
Shawbury, UK GMP Certificate # UK GMP 35176 UK MHRA
Shawbury, UK ISO 17025 Testing Laboratory 21701 UKAS

Director of Quality - Richard Barlow

Pharmaceutical Development Services Division

Pharmaceutical Development Services DivisionTesting and calibration laboratories that operate under quality systems accredited by UKAS are also operating in accordance with ISO 9001.


Quality Assessments Division

ANAB Accredited - ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015  Certification Number: SQA-1252099-170518 
International Automotive Task Force (IATF) Recognition Certificate Number IAOB-1007

Environmental Risk Sciences Division

Harrogate, UK: OECD GLP-Compliant, UK MHRA.
Wareham, MA, USA: GLP-Compliant, US EPA & US FDA.

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