The Impact of Ride Sharing on Tire Markets to 2040

While ride sharing’s portion of new vehicle sales and vehicles in service is modest at this point, as the transportation segment grows over the next 20 years, greater vehicle utilisation and the related tire wear will create demand that will climb to well above that of conventional light vehicles.

Table of Contents Key Facts and Figures
Our exclusive content:
  • Interrelationship of electric, autonomous and shared vehicle trends, vehicle developments and outlook
  • Related tire technology trends
  • Ride sharing vehicle and tire enabling and supporting technologies
  • Ride sharing tire markets by vehicle type and geographic region with market opportunities for tire companies and suppliers.
While ride sharing’s portion of new vehicle sales and vehicles in service is modest at this point, as the transportation segment grows over the next 20 years, greater vehicle utilisation and the related tire wear will create demand that will climb to well above that of conventional light vehicles.

This report examines the underlying factors supporting ride sharing, such as urbanisation, mobility economics and preferences and related technologies (e.g., connected, electric and autonomous vehicles, intelligent tires). It examines initiatives by, and opportunities for, ride sharing companies, tiremakers, and auto manufacturers, as well as regulators, to advance the technology and adoption rates, now with the added challenges of public health.   

What will you discover?
  • Ride sharing is expected to have a major impact on tire use, technology, distribution, and market growth
  • Despite near-term setbacks due to COVID-19 and associated large-scale reductions in economic activity and transportation, the long-term trend towards ride sharing remains fundamentally strong
  • Tire demand from ridesharing companies and customers has the potential to reach 50% of global light vehicle tire volume in 2040, resulting in a market value approaching $300 billion.
Who should buy the report?
  • Producers of materials
  • Equipment suppliers
  • Product manufacturers
  • Product integrators
  • Users of the tire markets value chain.
The Smithers methodology
This report is based on extensive primary and secondary research. Primary research consisted of interviews with raw material suppliers, converters and experts drawn from key markets. This was supported by secondary research in the form of extensive literature analysis of published data, official government statistics, domestic and international trade organisation data, company websites, industry reports, trade press articles, presentations, and attendance at trade events.  

About the author:
Art Mayer has many years of experience in the tire industry, working in a variety of roles at Dealer Tire and as a contract writer and consultant covering a wide range of non-technical topics in the tire market for Smithers and its clients. He was a speaker at Smithers’ Traction conferences in 2016 and 2018, covering the fast-emerging area of sensors and intelligent tires.
The Impact of Ride Sharing on Tire Markets to 2040

Name The Impact of Ride Sharing on Tire Markets to 2040

Date 9/1/2020

Price $6500.00

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