Multi-Client: The Future of Agricultural Tires to 2025

Quantifying the agricultural tires market (volume and value), forecasting growth over the next five years, outlining the competitive landscape, regulatory environment, forecasting technology developments and scenarios to 2025, and providing analysis of the drivers for adoption and potential inhibitors of growth in the agricultural sector.

Table of Contents Key Facts and Figures

The agricultural tires segment is characterised by ever-larger and ever more efficient agriculture used to achieve the highest crop yield, implying increased investments in bigger tractors and tires. This is catalysed by a rapid mechanisation (adoption of machinery versus manual labour) trend. Agricultural tire manufacturers are focusing on technologies that decrease soil compaction, while carrying heavier loads for both powered and trail equipment. Based on this, Smithers believes now is the right time to publish the definitive study on the agricultural tires industry.

The agricultural tires sector is driven by macro trends which include:
  • Global economic and agricultural sector performance
  • Population growth and its demand for agricultural products (global demand for food, feed, fibre and bio fuel continues to grow; the population that can afford protein and better diets continues to increase),
  • Government policy (trade policy, subsidies)
  • Environmental concerns
  • End user requirements. 
With end user requirements is meant application specific design, for example tires made for reduced soil compaction, lower rolling resistance and higher speed rated tires for on road use, or increased load capacity; but also tire management support to minimise downtime and tire life cycle solutions. Growth of the agricultural tire market is also driven by the technological advancements in agricultural vehicle/equipment.

This study quantifies the market (volume and value) and forecasts growth over the next five years, based on extensive new primary research. The study outlines the competitive landscape, regulatory environment, and forecasts technology developments and scenarios to 2025. It provides analysis of the drivers for adoption and potential inhibitors of growth in the agricultural tires sector.

Name Multi-Client: The Future of Agricultural Tires to 2025

Date 9/29/2020

Price $12500.00

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