The Future of Fibre-based Foodservice Packaging to 2029

Foodservice packaging shows a strong growth trend, especially for fibre-based materials. This report examines the developments being made in fibre-based packaging technologies.

Table of Contents Key Facts and Figures
  • 2 trillion units of packaging were used in the foodservice market globally in 2023, worth an estimated $50 billion
  • The value of the fibre-based materials used in this market is $25 billion in 2023, with a forecast growth rate to 2029 of 8% CAGR
After a slow recovery, there has been a rebound in the foodservice market and growth in packaging consumption has followed suit. Demand is further stimulated by the introduction of new packs and new technologies, such as dry moulded and dry formed fibre materials, which are proving to be successful substitutes for a variety of rigid plastic pack formats.

The foodservice industry provides food and beverage services for commercial purposes, including dining establishments, coffee shops, bars, and catering companies. Products in this industry range from cooking devices to cleaning supplies and packaging. Food packaging plays a crucial role in preserving and protecting food during storage and transportation while complying with food safety and hygiene standards, and the industry is moving towards sustainable products that are ecofriendly and can be disposed of responsibly.

Key questions
  • How packaging producers are meeting demand for a more sustainable alternative to plastics
  • How the regulatory landscape will impact the market for foodservice packaging applications over the next five years
  • What developments are being made in functional barrier coatings and how these are driving diversification in foodservice applications
  • Who the key players are in the commercial evolution the fibre-based foodservice packaging industry.
This report benefits
  • Paper, pulp and paperboard producers
  • Packaging converters and manufacturers
  • Retailers and brand owners
About the author
Stephen Harrod spent 11 years building a market research company in South Africa, focused on the paper and packaging industry in that country, following which he spent six years in the paper industry with Mondi and JAC Labels before relocating to the UK. He has been authoring reports for Smithers since 2006, with a focus on global paper and packaging markets.
The Future of Fibre-based Foodservice Packaging to 2029

Name The Future of Fibre-based Foodservice Packaging to 2029

Date 8/25/2024

Price $6750.00

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