ISTA load stability research group prepares for first stage of field research to quantify data for potential test standard

ISTA load stability research group prepares for first stage of field research to quantify data for potential test standard
Smithers is working with the ISTA Advocate Group on the next stage of a project investigating load stability testing related to constant acceleration events.
Michael Kueber, Technical Director of the Smithers distribution testing laboratory in Lansing, Michigan, has been leading an ISTA workgroup on load stability testing since late 2018. The group has progressed through several work streams and research phases dedicated to understanding constant acceleration events and impacts.
Now the workgroup is supporting the Advocate Group that is preparing to begin a two-phase research project focused on the measurement of Horizontal Vehicle Events. The purpose of Phase 1 is to collect data about the motions and forces to which unit loads are subjected in transit. According to the proposed research plan, a vehicle will be instrumented with a Lansmont Saver 3D15 driven along five prescribed routes. The data gathered at the vehicle level will be analyzed to ensure that the data collection methodology is within scope of the project’s ultimate goals. A second phase of research, to be conducted at a later date, will gather significantly more data.
“This research will give us the raw data we need to start quantifying potential test levels for short- and long-duration events. These short events, or impacts, could be a forklift making contact or stopping with a stationary unit load or railcars coupling together. A longer event is more like braking in a truck or rounding a corner,” said Kuebler. “Once we’ve got that data, we can turn it into tools and test methods for predicting how unitized loads will respond to those events in the field. This would give users the information they need to design and optimize their unit load packaging, which is our ultimate goal.”
Those interested in submitting a proposal need to provide:
  • A brief description of the proposing team and detailed resumes for individual team members, plus examples of similar research conducted in the last five years, references, and other important qualifications.
  • Proposed costs and fees.
  • A detailed project timeline.
  • A conflicts analysis.

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