Smart Haptics 2023

San Diego, California


Smart Haptics is a technical conference focused on the commercialization of haptic technology. This year’s event will explore how haptic technologies are changing the ways in which we interpret and interact with our world – and each other.

Since 2017, Smart Haptics has provided this growing industry with a forum dedicated to exploring the future of haptic technology. This conference encourages important conversations about emerging applications, innovative ideas, and opportunities for collaboration across the supply chain. Presentations are designed to engage and inform the haptics industry through case studies and panel discussions that provide the opportunity for attendees to both experience and explore the latest technologies and emerging applications. 

  • Smart Haptics a technical conference that brings together multiple end-use industries, including medical, automotive, mobile, AR/VR, and more in an effort to explore where the haptics industry is headed.
  • Attendees experience presentation sessions from industry leaders and influencers, hands-on demos of the latest haptic technology, and engaging panel discussions.
  • The Advisory Board includes companies such as Meta, BMW, Google, Tanvas, and more.
Smart Haptics 2023

Smart Haptics 2023

Length 2 days
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