Webinar: Developing a Residue Analytical Method: The Critical Role of Extraction Efficiency

Webinar: Developing a Residue Analytical Method: The Critical Role of Extraction Efficiency

When developing a residue analytical method for risk assessment or post-approval control and monitoring, fundamental building blocks need to be considered prior to method validation in accordance with SANTE/2020/12830 rev. 2.

In this webinar, Derek Brown, Director, ResChem, a Smithers company, provides an overview of the key method development stages, including: 

•    Establishing the residue definition 
•    Addressing extraction efficiency (SANTE/2017/10632 Rev. 5)
•    Sample hydrolysis
•    Extract purification
•    Quantification

Watch the webinar: 

About our presenter:
Derek Brown, Director, ResChem, a Smithers company, fulfils the role of Test Facility Management and GLP Operator. He has 40 years of experience in the field of pesticide residue analysis and has worked in a GLP environment for over 35 years. He previously established, developed, and managed analytical facilities for two contract research organizations. Derek has experience in analytical method development and specializes in GC-MS. He delivers training sessions for clients and co-operating partners in pesticide residues analysis. He received his BSc (Hons) in Applied Biochemistry at Liverpool Polytechnic, and his MSc in Analytical Chemistry from London University (Birkbeck College).

Webinar host:
Rebecca Smith, Director of Chemistry, Environmental Risk Sciences, North America, joined Smithers as an entry-level chemistry technician in 2007 after graduating with a B.S. in Chemistry from University of Connecticut. Her previous roles at Smithers include providing analytical support for ecotoxicology testing, serving as Study Director for method validations, product chemistry, and residue chemistry studies, as well as serving as Manager of Residue Chemistry.

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