What is ISO 27001?

What is ISO 27001?

ISO 27001 is a powerful set of standards for Information Security Management Systems (ISMS). An ISMS is responsible for putting systems in place to manage an organization's sensitive information. A robust international standard, ISO 27001 can complement CMMC, but it cannot replace CMMC for American defense contractors. This article will detail what ISO 27001 means for businesses, the benefits of compliance, and more. 

What is ISO 27001?

ISO 27001 is built upon three key principles. Those three principles are confidentiality, information integrity, and data availability. What do these terms mean for conducting your every-day business?


As the title suggests, ISO 27001 ensures that sensitive data is protected and cannot be accessed by unauthorized people. 

Information Integrity

This part of ISO 27001 deals with the proper storage of data. It should not be easy for an employee to delete information, for example, either accidentally or intentionally. 

Availability of Data

The third part of ISO 27001 is the other side of the information integrity coin. It requires organizations to ensure data is accessible to those who should have access. 

In the face of increasing and increasingly severe cyber attacks, ISO 27001 assists organizations in making sure their data is protected and managed properly.

Does My Business Need ISO 27001?

Most likely, the answer is that while it may not be mandatory, any business that stores and/or manages data can benefit from an ISO 27001 certification. As the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) states, "Companies that adopt the holistic approach described in ISO/IEC 27001 will make sure information security is built into organizational processes, information systems and management controls." This in turn helps build efficiency, industry credibility, and more. In other words, while you might at first think ISO 27001 is only for companies in the Information Technology (IT) industry, the impact and benefits of ISO 27001 certifications are starting to be felt much more broadly across a wide range of industries including manufacturing, financial, and more. 

How will ISO 27001 Benefit My Company

Pursuing any kind of certification for a business represents an investment of time and money. You would not be alone if you are wondering what the benefits are of these types of investments. At its heart, ISO 27001 is a defensive measure against cyber attacks. Going through the certification process will:

  • ​Identify and help you manage vulnerabilities where hackers could infiltrate your system
  • Respond to cyberattacks or other issues when they arise
  • Build your company's credibility because your vendors and/or customers will know their date with you is secure and handled responsibly
  • Result in your development of a central framework that will control how all data is managed
  • Help your company train all employees in how to prevent and combat cyber risks
  • Teach your organization how to secure all information, whether it's paper, digital, or cloud-based
  • Save you money through the reduction of ineffective technology and the prevention of an expensive ransomware attack
If your business handles controlled unclassified information (CUI), the ISO 27001 certification will not cover your compliance entirely. Your organization will need to comply with NIST 800-171 and perhaps the new Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification as well. The good news, however, is that ISO 27001 can map with NIST 800-171 which in turn will be able to map with CMMC once that certification is officially mandatory. 

Why Pursue Your ISO 27001 Certification with Smithers?

The decision to earn the ISO 27001 certification is a significant one. You will want to make sure you work with a reliable company that has plenty of experience to call on throughout the process. 

Our cybersecurity experts at Smithers can offer you over thirty years of experience and expertise in the field. Because we are accredited as a certifying body (CB), we are held to the strongest possible performance levels. Additionally, the Smithers culture demands a focus on accurate data provided on time with relationship-based customer service. While we cannot remediate or offer consultative training, we can travel with you every step of the way during your ISO 27001 certification process, from the development of your plan to your recertification audit. 

If you would like to learn more about ISO 27001 and how it can benefit your company, schedule a meeting today with one of our cybersecurity experts. 

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